Jesus die Here: ’n Apologetiese Beskouing van die Uniekheid van Jesus Christus in vergelyking met Godsdiensfigure


  • P. Verster, Prof.


The question whether Jesus Christ is merely another religious figure is presently considered. In this article Jesus' glory and uniqueness are explained apologetically in relation to religious figures from antiquity to the present. The virgin birth is accepted here as totally different from Hercules’ birth; Jesus’ glorification as Son of God is more than just that of a prophet; the incarnation of Jesus was God becoming human and not an avatar; Jesus’ ascension was not Nirvana. He was the true and only Messiah; He is risen and therefore not just another ancestor. Finally, the truth of the Trinity as confessed in Nicea is reiterated.



How to Cite

Verster, P. (2005). Jesus die Here: ’n Apologetiese Beskouing van die Uniekheid van Jesus Christus in vergelyking met Godsdiensfigure. Tydskrif Vir Christelike Wetenskap | Journal for Christian Scholarship, 41(3 - 4), 119-138. Retrieved from



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