
International invitation for contributions: 500th commemoration of the Reformation
Internasionale uitnodiging tot ʼn bydrae: 500-jarige herdenking van die Reformasie: Tydskrif vir Christelike wetenskap
Ter viering van die 500-jarige herdenking van die Reformasie in 2017 word 'n buitengewone uitgawe van die geakkrediteerde Tydskrif vir Christelike wetenskap in vooruitsig gestel. Dit is daarom vir die redaksie 'n voorreg om 'n uitnodiging te rig aan akademici wat bydraes wil lewer tot sodanige uitgawe van die tydskrif.
Outeurs in die Christelik-wetenskaplike tradisie word uitgenooi om artikelbydraes gedurende die tydperk tot en met einde Junie/Julie 2017 te lewer, sodat 'n reformasie-uitgawe DV teen Oktober 2017 uitgegee kan word. Die tema daarvan sal wees: "Christelike wetenskap in konteks en perspektief". Bydraes uit enige dissipline/vakwetenskap vanuit  enige van die onderskeie studievelde sal verwelkom word. Onafhanklike eweknie-evaluering sal toegepas word, ooreenkomstig redaksionele beleid.
Dit sal waardeer word indien ('n) voornemende outeur(s) die redaksie teen nie later nie as einde Januarie 2017 van sy/haar/hulle voorneme om 'n artikel gedurende 2017 te lewer, in kennis sal stel.
International invitation for contributions: 500th commemoration of the Reformation: Journal for Christian scholarship
In commemoration of the 500th year of the Reformation a special issue of the accredited Journal for Christian scholarship is prospected for 2017. Therefore, it is the privilege of the editorial board to extend an invite to academics who would like to make a contribution to the publishing of a special issue of the journal.
Authors from within the Christian scholarly tradition are cordially invited to submit article contributions during the period until the end of June/July 2017, in order to be able to publish a Reformational issue towards October 2017 DV. The theme will be: "Christian scholarship in context and perspective". Contributions from any discipline drawn from any one of the various fields of study are welcome. Articles will be subjected to independant peer review, according to editorial policy.
It will be appreciated if (a) proponant author(s) could inform the editorial board not later than the end of January 2017 of his/her/their intention to deliver an article during 2017.
Please find the e-mail template below
To the editorial board: Journal for Christian scholarship
Aan die redaksie: Tydskrif vir Christelike wetenskap
I/We …………………….......................................................wish tot inform you of my/our intention to deliver an article on…………………………………………………………… contribution to the planned 500 year Reformation issue in 2017.

Ek/Ons …………………......................................................stel u hiermee in kennis van my/ons voorneme om ʼn artikel-drae oor ………………………………............................te lewer tot die beoogde 500-jarige Hervormingsuitgawe in 2017. 

E-mail to/E-pos aan: