About the Journal
The submission of articles in English, Afrikaans or Dutch are invited.
For the submission of articles and other contributions, please refer to Submission of articles.
Statement of purpose
The Journal for Christian scholarship aims at providing a forum for (i)foundational research within the fields of the natural sciences and humanities and (ii)meaningful interaction between diverse paradigms operative within the field of philosophy and the special sciences. This intention conforms to the outcome of encompassing research within the field of philosophy of science during the past hundred years, namely that all theoretical thinking is guided by a theoretical view of reality (a paradigm) and directed by an ultimate commitment. The Journal for Christian scholarship invites scholars from all disciplines (philosophy and the special sciences) to submit articles based on the (philosophical) foundations of the various academic disciplines. It provides for entering into constructive discussions on issues and states of affairs transcending any particular philosophical paradigm and commitment, while at the same time leaving room for all of them.
The archives of the original Tydskrif vir Christelike wetenskap, presently also the Journal for Christian scholarship, is contained in this website. Publication dates back since 1964 on a regular annual base, with at least two issues per annum. This website contains information on the focus and scope of the Journal for Christian scholarship. Furthermore, it contains the editorial policy and procedure for the submission of manuscripts. Manuscripts must be submitted according to the prescriptions. Apart from articles, other contributions, such as discussions, rebuttals and reviews are welcomed.
Focus and scope
The accredited Journal for Christian scholarship promotes Christian scholarship from the broad context of scientific fields. Thus, it fulfils an inter-disciplinary function. Thoroughly researched, original contributions with an integral worldview are considered for publication. The journal provides the opportunity for authors to engage in critical, but constructive discussion, argumented from the Christian scholarly viewpoint.
The requirements for the submission of manuscripts are set out under the section Instructions for authors. Manuscripts as well as contributions (as specified) can be submitted online.