

  • P. Verster, Prof.


What are the essential elements of forgiveness and how should forgiveness be understood? Forgiveness is only possible if it is seen from the perspective of God absolving the sinner. In the Old Testament, it is clear that God makes forgiveness possible. In the New Testament, Jesus not only commands his followers to live a life of forgiveness, He also prays for those who yielded Him to the cross. The Bible clearly stipulates that forgiveness among people is possible in the light of Christ’s vicarious death. The common human condition means that everyone, without exception, is guilty of sin. Restitution should not be a precondition for forgiveness, but can be agreed upon. Very serious crimes can only be forgiven by the grace of God, which also creates the possibility of forgiveness for the unbeliever.



How to Cite

Verster, P. (2008). Vergifnis. Tydskrif Vir Christelike Wetenskap | Journal for Christian Scholarship, 44(1 - 2), 65-77. Retrieved from



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