Die Versoening in Christus: ’n Perspektief op Aspekte van die Nederlandse Debat


  • P. Verster


Whether Christ brought about the reconciliation by way of his vicarious and substitutionary death of atonement or by way of His example through His death, is presently being debated in the Netherlands. The Christological aspects are very important, and the different views on Christ held by authors such as Van de Beek and Kuitert give rise to new and sometimes opposing interpretations of reconciliation and atonement. The view put forward here is that Christ is our reconciliation and that He atoned for us by his substitionary death; that He enters into our desperate situation to be with us and share in our need while we also partake in Him.



How to Cite

Verster, P. (2004). Die Versoening in Christus: ’n Perspektief op Aspekte van die Nederlandse Debat. Tydskrif Vir Christelike Wetenskap | Journal for Christian Scholarship, 40(3 - 4), 215-232. Retrieved from https://pubs.ufs.ac.za/index.php/tcw/article/view/38



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