Exploring beginner teachers’ experience in their first year of teaching at Thabo Mofutsanyane district: Induction programme approach
Beginner teachers, Induction programme, Professional Development, Social Network Theory, Teacher, Professional IdentityAbstract
This study explores the beginner teachers’ experience in their first year of teaching before and after the induction programme at Thabo Mofutsanyane district. This study used a qualitative approach through a case study design. Fourteen beginner teachers participated in this study, a representative sample from the Thabo Mofutsanyane district, stratified by gender, age, and level of qualification. The data were analysed through thematic narrative analysis. Before the induction, this study revealed that beginner teachers experienced challenges in their first years of teaching. These included inability to complete class registers, control absenteeism, lack of knowledge to implement the curriculum, ill-disciplined learners, overcrowded classrooms, and heavy workload in their classrooms. After induction, in phase two, there was an improvement. Thus, this study suggested that job satisfaction, motivation, resilience, commitment, peer support, and a sense of belonging could help beginner teachers remain at schools that have induction programmes. This study recommends strengthening induction programmes, which could help beginner teachers to deal with the existing challenges and develop their professional identity.
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