Induction programme supporting beginner teachers’ self-efficacy at schools in the Thabo Mofutsanyane district: Teaching approach
First year’s teaching experience, Beginner teachers, Schools, Induction programmeAbstract
Beginner teachers experience various challenges, including a lack of support from their colleagues or mentorship, which could lead to frustration and even resignation. The study explored how an induction programme supports beginner teachers' self-efficacy in the Thabo Mofutsanyane district schools. It used a qualitative research approach and generated data through semi-structured interviews. The telephonic interviews were conducted in two phases. The first was in January 2021, and the second was in August 2021. Fourteen beginner teachers were randomly selected from schools in the Thabo-Mofutsanyane district. Data were analysed through thematic analysis. The findings revealed that self-efficacy was vital in developing beginner teachers as professionals through induction programmes. This showed that there was a connection between self-efficacy and an induction programme. Therefore, this study provides conclusive evidence that beginner teacher induction programmes positively impact their preparation in acquiring professional skills and overall contribution to learner development.
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