Exploring the resilience of heartbroken divorced individuals at a university in London
Divorce, Resilience, Heartbreak, Qualitative thematic analysis, online interviewAbstract
This study explored how resilience was achieved and experienced among individuals who experienced heartbreak from divorce. If individuals experience resilience, the study will further explore how resilience was achieved. A sample of (n = 10) participants aged between 42 and 61 years underwent hour-long online interviews. Participants answered a series of open-ended questions, explaining their experiences of divorce and heartbreak. Through a qualitative thematic analysis, three main themes were identified: mental health, support of others, and positive and negative activities. There were noticeably high levels of common responses from shared experiences of the divorce process and how resilience was achieved. Results of the study found that while heartbreak and poor mental health conditions arise from divorce, overcoming them resiliently was achievable through positive activities and social support.
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