Exploring barriers to learning hindering Learners with albinism’ academic achievement at schools in the Masvingo district in Zimbabwe


  • Margaret Machingambi Great Zimbabwe University, Zimbabwe




Stigmatisation, Academic achievement, Confidential information


This study explores the barriers to learning that hindered the academic achievement of learners with albinism in inclusive schools in the Masvingo district in Zimbabwe. These include lack of sunscreen lotions, learning equipment, peer inequality, parental involvement, peers' unacceptance, protective clothing, and inclusion in mainstream schools. A qualitative case study approach was employed in this study. Ten participants were purposively selected. All the participants were from four different High Schools in Masvingo District. Semi-structured interviews were conducted during data collection. Thematic analysis was used to analyse data. The results revealed that Learners With Albinism (LWA) lack sunscreen lotions and adequate learning equipment, peers do not accept them, stigmatisation, and they have unequal feelings. Furthermore, LWA lacked parental involvement, sufficient safety provisions, and sharing of confidential information. The findings also revealed that negative attitudes of teachers, abuses from the community, poor quality family care, and LWA face challenging moments. All the findings mentioned above are barriers that hinder their academic achievements. This study recommends the government supply sunscreen lotions to LWA, provide school learning equipment, and sponsor psychosocial support camps.


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How to Cite

Machingambi, M. . (2023). Exploring barriers to learning hindering Learners with albinism’ academic achievement at schools in the Masvingo district in Zimbabwe . International Journal of Studies in Psychology, 3(1), 28-37. https://doi.org/10.38140/ijspsy.v3i1.901