Exploring the understanding of enabling environment for learners with special educational needs in rural primary schools in Lesotho
Enabling learning environment, Inclusive Education, Learners with Special Educational Needs, Rural schoolsAbstract
This study focused on understanding how to enhance learners with special educational needs in rural primary schools in Lesotho. It employed the qualitative case study within an interpretative research paradigm. Data were collected through focus group discussions and one-to-one interviews. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the qualitative data. Thirteen participants were purposively selected from two rural primary schools (School A and School B). School A consisted of seven participants. School B comprised six participants and two from the Ministry of Education and Training (MoET) in the Special Education Unit (SEU), all in all, fifteen participants contributed to this study. The participants were chosen as those with three years or more in teaching LSEN and specialists in special education. The participants comprised two males and thirteen females aged between 30 and 62. The findings suggested that participants understood the enabling environment for LSENs in rural primary schools in Lesotho. These could be explained by a safe, comfortable, healthy, inclusive setting for playing activities, developing learners’ self-confidence and self-esteem, quality education, user-friendly, barrier-free, supportive, and conducive environments where quality education is provided to all learners, regardless of their differences Therefore, the study helps in identifying the challenges that learners with SEN in rural areas face and how these challenges can be addressed.
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