Narrative review on psychosocial challenges and identity issues associated with severe mental illness in adolescents
Psychosocial Challenges, Identity , Adolescents, Severe mental illnessAbstract
The onset of severe mental illness (SMI) typically manifests during adolescence. Given that it is a particularly sensitive stage for adolescents from an identity development perspective, receiving a SMI diagnosis may have long-term impacts on their identity and present several psychosocial challenges. Most importantly, at this stage in life, adolescents are at a critical juncture in making plans and career paths, increasing social interaction, and completing higher school education. This review will argue that since SMI is more likely to occur during adolescence and this can have additional psychosocial challenges, which may cause several issues on one’s identity, and this effect may be carried forward across one’s lifespan. It seeks to establish the positive and negative impacts of SMI on adolescents’ psychosocial development. It is essential to comprehensively understand this impact as it has implications for recovery and for health professionals to select suitable treatment interventions.
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