Employees’ behaviours as compliance, resistance, and their relationship with the professional quality of life while facing organisational change


  • Ayesha Rasheed Lahore college for women university, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Naheed Atta Lahore college for women university Lahore Pakistan
  • Talat Sohail Lahore college for women university Lahore Pakistan




Organisational change is significant for sustaining justifiable competitive benefits and development in today ‘s fast-changing business. Employees are an organisation asset, while organisational change positively and negatively impacts employees' behaviours. The study investigates the employees’ reactions to compliance, resistance, and their relationship with the professional quality of life whenever they face organisational change. This study employed a quantitative approach through a correlational research design. Four hundred (N=400, 212 males and 188 females) employees were selected and stratified from four organisational sectors in Lahore, Pakistan. Compliance to change scale, Resistance to change scale, and Professional quality of life questionnaires were administered to employees as data collection techniques. The results indicate that compliance positively correlates with compassion satisfaction, while the inverse relationship with secondary traumatic stress. When secondary traumatic stress and burnout predict resistance, compassion satisfaction has a negative prediction with resistance. It is recommended that the organisations plan competitive policies and relevant technical courses before the successful implementation of organisational changes, which increases the professional quality of life and compliance in employe by avoiding resistance.

Author Biographies

Naheed Atta, Lahore college for women university Lahore Pakistan

Professor Doctor Naheed Atta

Applied Psychology department

Lahore college for women university

Lahore Pakistan

Talat Sohail, Lahore college for women university Lahore Pakistan

Professor doctor Talat Sohail

Ex-Chairperson Applied psychology department

Lahore college for women university 

Lahore, Pakistan.


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How to Cite

Rasheed, A., Atta, N., & Sohail, T. (2024). Employees’ behaviours as compliance, resistance, and their relationship with the professional quality of life while facing organisational change. International Journal of Studies in Psychology, 4(2), 16-21. https://doi.org/10.38140/ijspsy.v4i2.1162