Significance of intra-personal intelligence and academic self-concept as predictors of metacognition
Intrapersonal intelligence, academic self-concept, metacognition, predictorsAbstract
This paper emphasizes the importance of comprehending students' metacognition to their intra-personal intelligence and academic self-concept and their intra-personal intelligence. Metacognition is a comprehensive word that includes the structures associated with people's cognitive processes and information. Metacognition refers to an individual's awareness and understanding of their cognitive processes and ability to manage and shape them effectively. Metacognition, academic self-concept, and intrapersonal intelligence are interconnected in educational settings. Metacognition, which refers to the understanding and control of one's thinking processes, significantly influences an individual's perception of their academic abilities and overall self-concept in an academic context. Intrapersonal intelligence, also known as self-awareness and self-management, plays a crucial role in developing and applying metacognitive strategies. This, in turn, significantly impacts academic success and how individuals perceive themselves in educational settings. The authors discuss the importance of studies that examined the correlation between specific variables from Scopus and Google Scholar. A total of twenty-five studies were carefully chosen and thoroughly analyzed. There is a need to explore students' metacognition, specifically focusing on their intra-personal intelligence and academic self-concept as determinants.
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