The views of experts on hazing in South African schools: a media analysis


  • Corene de Wet University of the Free State, South Africa


Cognitive dissonance theory, Educators, Hazing, Initiation, Male dominance theory, Orientation, Parents, Kognitiewe dissonansie-teorie, Inisiasie, Manlike dominansie-teorie, Ontgroening, Opvoders, Oriëntering, Ouers


In 2002 is regulasies wat ’n verbod op ontgroeningspraktyke in Suid-Afrikaanse skole en skoolkoshuise plaas, aanvaar. Desnieteenstaande toon navorsing dat ontgroening ’n redelik algemene verskynsel in Suid- Afrikaanse skole en skoolkoshuise is. Die artikel doen verslag oor bevindinge voortspruitend uit ’n kwalitatiewe inhoudanalise van 13 indiepte koerantartikels wat óf deur kundiges geskryf is óf gebaseer is op onderhoude met kundiges, asook drie redaksionele kommentare. Die kognitiewe dissonansie en manlike oorheersingsteorieë dien as teoretiese raamwerk vir hierdie studie. Bevindinge van die studie werp lig op die aard en omvang van ontgroeningspraktyke in Suid-Afrikaanse skole; moontlike gevolge van ontgroening vir diegene wat ontgroen word, diegene wat vir die ontgroening verantwoordelik is en die waarnemers; asook die direkte en indirekte redes vir ontgroening. Die studie beklemtoon die rol van ouers, opvoeders en tot ’n mindere mate die media in die vermindering en beëindiging van vernederende ontgroeningspraktyke. Daar word gekonkludeer dat eenheid en lojaliteit deur positiewe inisiasiepraktyke eerder as deur fisiese, seksuele en emosioneel afbrekende en vernederende praktyke gevestig word. Laasgenoemde hou onder die dekmantel van ‘tradisie’ ’n siklus van geweld, respekloosheid en magsmisbruik in stand.

In 2002 regulations were promulgated prohibiting hazing in South African schools and school hostels. Yet, research has found that hazing is still a fairly common practice in some South African schools and school hostels. This article reports on findings emanating from a qualitative content analysis of 13 in-depth newspaper articles written by or based on interviews with experts, as well as three editorials commenting on hazing. This paper draws on the theories of cognitive dissonance and male dominance. Findings from the study shed light on the nature and extent of hazing in South African schools; the possible consequences of hazing for the hazee, hazer and bystanders; as well as the overt and oblique reasons for hazing. The study highlights the role parents, educators and, to a lesser extent, the media should play in the reduction or eradication of abusive hazing practices. It is concluded that schools should develop unity and loyalty through acceptable forms of initiation, rather than physical, sexual and emotional abusive and humiliating activities that perpetuate the cycle of violence, disrespect and abuse of power in the name of ‘tradition’.



How to Cite

de Wet, C. (2014). The views of experts on hazing in South African schools: a media analysis. Tydskrif Vir Christelike Wetenskap | Journal for Christian Scholarship, 50(1-2), 149-172. Retrieved from



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