Exploring teachers' experiences in teaching learners with Dissociative identity disorder at rural schools in the Amajuba district KwaZulu-Natal


  • Nelly Mokoena KwaZulu Natal Department of Education, South Africa




Academic Performance, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Distinct identities, Rural Schools, FET phase Learners


This study aims to investigate how Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) affects learners’ academic achievements, engagements, and overall school experience. The objectives were to identify the prevalence of DID among learners in rural KwaZulu-Natal schools, examine the impact of DID on their academic performance, and explore interventions that could support affected learners. The study gained qualitative insight from interviews and focus groups involving learners, teachers, and psychologists. This comprehensive method facilitated a nuanced understanding of DID's effects on learning and academic outcomes. Results indicated a significant correlation between learners with DID and lower academic performance when compared to their peers without DID. Qualitative findings revealed that dissociative episodes, memory lapse, and the psychological stress associated with Dissociative Identity DID adversely affected learners’ participation in class, homework completion, and exam performance. The study further found a general lack of awareness and resources in rural schools to effectively support learners with DID, compounding the challenges they face. The study concludes with several key findings: the need for targeted training for educators in identifying and supporting learners with DID, the importance of integrating psychological support within the school system, and the potential benefits of personalized learning plans for affected learners. The focus should not merely be on academic performance but on creating a holistic experience where every learner, regardless of their challenges, feels included and valued. The study calls for further research and strategies to identify and address dissociative symptoms in learners.


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How to Cite

Mokoena, N. (2024). Exploring teachers’ experiences in teaching learners with Dissociative identity disorder at rural schools in the Amajuba district KwaZulu-Natal. International Journal of Studies in Inclusive Education , 1(1), 32-39. https://doi.org/10.38140/ijsie.v1i1.1277