Basotho learners’ challenges affect effective learning in a rural high school during the COVID-19 era


  • Mofokeng Mantwa Free State Department of Education, South Africa



Effective learning, Basotho learners, Rural high school, COVID-19 pandemic


The learning process depends on decisions and constant assessments obtained from what is learned and how it is learned, the support given to access knowledge or concepts, and whether what is remembered by learners is correct. However, this process was disrupted in the COVID-19 era as there was rapid spread of COVID-19. This study investigates the challenges influencing effective learning among Basotho learners in a rural high school in the Mofutsanyane District. This study used a qualitative approach through a case study design. Participants were chosen purposefully, including the learners, parents or guardians, teachers, school governing body, school-based support team, and school management team members. Data were collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews. The narrative results indicated that Basotho learners encountered various challenges, including failure of learners to attend online classes, absenteeism, poor internet connection, and declining performance. They experienced academic pressure, inadequate curriculum coverage, a knowledge gap in the next grade, and the learners transitioning to virtual learning. All these challenges affected learners' learning process due to transiting, which had to happen and did not favour all the learners’ family backgrounds.


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How to Cite

Mantwa, M. (2024). Basotho learners’ challenges affect effective learning in a rural high school during the COVID-19 era. International Journal of Studies in Inclusive Education , 1(1), 18-24.