Examining challenges and opportunities for effective democratic management practices in university classrooms
Classrooms management, democratic practices, university classrooms, challenges and opportunitiesAbstract
The study examines the challenges and opportunities in embedding democratic management practices in university classrooms. Grounded in the theoretical framework of Critical Pedagogy, as advocated by Paulo Freire, and utilising a transformative paradigm within a participatory research design, the study conducted semi-structured interviews with 15 participants, including 10 student teachers and 5 lecturers from a selected university in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Thematic analysis was employed to analyse the data. The findings reveal significant challenges to the adoption of democratic practices, such as entrenched traditional teaching methods and a lack of institutional support and resources. However, the study also highlights the transformative potential of democratic practices in fostering critical thinking, personal growth, and a more inclusive educational environment. In conclusion, the study emphasises the need to reassess and revamp educational policies and practices to support the implementation of democratic principles in classroom management. It calls for a comprehensive approach that includes professional development for lecturers, curriculum redesign, and the provision of sufficient resources to overcome the identified challenges and leverage the opportunities for creating a more engaging, inclusive, and empowering learning experience for all students.
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