Addressing gender-based violence through policy implementation: Key stakeholders and survivors’ perceptions in a selected university in South Africa
University policy, implementation, gender-based violence, survivors, perpetratorsAbstract
Universities have been stricken by gender-based violence (GBV). The high prevalence of GBV within universities is clear evidence of attacks on educational settings. To address GBV, universities have adopted policies that focus on deterring its occurrence. Shockingly, GBV incidents continue to manifest within universities despite these policies. This study aims to explore stakeholders' and survivors’ perceptions of the effectiveness of the adopted university policy in managing GBV at the University of Fort Hare. The rational choice theory (RCT) underpins this study, informing how university policies should be implemented to effectively manage GBV. A qualitative approach, supported by an exploratory design, was employed to gain nuanced insights from participants’ perspectives. In gathering data, ten purposefully sampled participants (two survivors of GBV, staff members from the GBV unit, counselling unit, HIV unit, and South African Police Service (SAPS) members) were interviewed one-on-one through semi-structured interviews. Data was analysed thematically. Findings based on participants’ perceptions revealed that the UFH harassment, sexual harassment, and GBV policy fails to effectively manage and avert GBV at the UFH, there is poor policy implementation regarding the reporting of GBV cases, a failure to execute justice in GBV cases, and inadequate support for survivors of GBV. Based on the research findings, we recommend strengthening university policies, establishing confidential and accessible reporting channels, conducting ongoing policy evaluations, and adopting multi-sectoral approaches to better manage GBV within university campuses. Such measures would help create a more supportive and accountable environment free from GBV.
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