Robbing the cradle: Factors promoting lecturer-on-student transactional sex relationships at a South African university
Authority, gender-based violence, higher education, masculinity, transactional sexAbstract
While universities have been lauded as sanctuaries of peace where students and staff pursue educational goals, there has been a marked increase in the victimisation of students by staff members who have been known to hound students for sexual favours. This increase in unethical conduct continues regardless of "sound" policies regulating university student and staff relationships. Against this background, this study sought to explore the factors shaping the pervasive practice of transactional sex between staff and students at a university in rural South Africa. Underpinned by the sexual exchange theory, the study utilised an exploratory sequential mixed-methods design. The findings categorised into four key themes—academic reasons, impunity and power dynamics, financial constraints, and peer pressure and influence—highlight the entrenched nature of this practice within the university setting. The study recommended implementing and enforcing strict policies with clear consequences for perpetrators and establishing confidential reporting systems and dedicated support units for victims.
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