Assessment Practices Fit for a Fast-changing World: A South African Perspective




Competency assessment, 21st century skills, mixed-methods research, curriculum policy, teacher development


In the face of global uncertainties and pressing local inequalities, education systems worldwide are prioritis­ing the development of competencies to equip learners with the skills necessary for the 21st century. In South Africa, the Department of Basic Education (DBE) has initiated a Cur­riculum Strengthening process that emphasises the integra­tion of social, emotional, and cognitive competencies into teaching, learning, and assessment. This study addresses the central question: How can the assessment of competencies be integrated into national assessment policy and practice? Adopting a mixed-methods approach, this study draws on a literature review, 15 semi-structured expert interviews, and primary research with 43 teachers and 118 learners across di­verse school contexts. The thematic analysis of qualitative data is complemented by quantitative survey results to pro­vide a comprehensive understanding of current assessment practices. Key findings highlight challenges such as over-re­liance on summative assessments, resource constraints, and limited professional development for teachers. Nevertheless, opportunities exist in leveraging formative assessments and performance-based evaluations as key approaches to the as­sessment of competencies, as part of the broader national assessment regime. The study concludes that systemic changes are needed, including phased implementation, tai­lored teacher support, and flexible, context-appropriate as­sessment strategies. Recommendations emphasise aligning national assessment frameworks with the Basic Education Competency Framework (BECF), fostering inclusive and eq­uitable classroom assessment practices, and supporting pro­fessional development to build teacher capacity.


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