An Exploration of the Mathematics Assessment Practices Linked to Poor Learner Performance




Assessment practices, MTLF, learner performance, CAPS, formative assessment


South African learners are performing below the international average across the board. Mathematics has been performing below 60% for years in the NSC. Mpuma­langa has been performing below the national average. CAPS provides clear guidelines on assessment practices to be utilised in order to improve learner performance. Addi­tionally, the DBE introduced a framework called MTLF to guide teachers in teaching and assessing effectively in order to improve learning outcomes in Mathematics. Clearly, there are good policies and guidelines in place to improve learner performance in Mathematics; however, learner per­formance is low. Hence, the importance of conducting this study. The aim of this paper was to explore the assessment practices linked to the poor performance of learners in Mathematics in Mpumalanga Province. The paper answers the question, “What are the assessment practices linked to poor learner performance in Mathematics?” Document analysis and interviews were used as data collection tech­niques. Mathematics teachers in the sampled schools were interviewed. It was found that the assessment practices as prescribed in the CAPS document were used for compliance. Due diligence was not done in the moderation of scripts; learners were struggling with questions on the application of knowledge, and formative assessment was not adequately given to learners. It was recom­mended that learners be exposed to adequate formative assessments and that the departmental heads should moderate tasks and scripts closely. Districts should monitor assessment practices in schools. It is concluded that the assessment practices linked to the poor performance of learners were associated with the superficial implementation of the MTLF and CAPS.


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