Redefining Assessment Standards: A Framework for Examination Guidelines in South African Basic Education




Assessment standards, quality assurance framework, UMALUSI, national senior certificate, examination guidelines


Umalusi quality assures assessments for exit qualifications such as the National Senior Certificate (NSC) through various processes, including the evalua­tion of examination guidelines. The NSC is examined by three assessment bodies, and each body must develop its own examination guidelines, which must be comparable across the assessment bodies. Previous research by Uma­lusi identified differences in the components contained in the examination guidelines of the three assessment bodies. These differences arose from the absence of a common framework for developing examination guide­lines and pose a threat to the maintenance of NSC assess­ment standards over time, which could undermine the credibility of this qualification. This study aimed to ad­dress this gap by developing a framework specifying compulsory components for NSC examination guide­lines. Data was collected through qualitative methodol­ogy, employing document analysis and systematic litera­ture review. Purposive sampling was used to select six countries and four subjects for evaluation; the sampled subjects were also used to pilot the framework. The find­ings identified five compulsory components, including general information, subject-specific de­tails, examinable content specifications and weighting, item specifications, and scoring and re­sponse specifications. The existence of a common framework is crucial for assessment bodies to produce comparable examination guidelines, ensuring the maintenance of NSC assessment standards. The study recommends that Umalusi adopt the proposed framework and use it as a standard for the development of NSC examination guidelines across assessment bodies. Fur­thermore, education researchers should consider conducting further research to extend this framework to other qualifications within and outside the Umalusi sub-framework.


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