A Critical Review of the Purposes and Authenticity of E-Assessment Policies and Practices


  • Doctor Ngema




Assessment policy, e-assessment, pedagogical practices, authenticity, challenges, opportunities


In general, the overall purpose of assessment is to account for the knowledge, skills, dispositions, and atti­tudes that learners possess as a result of their educational experiences. In recent times, there has been an increased emphasis on the role of technology-enhanced assessments, which have mainly been referred to as e-assessments, to im­prove assessment designs through the use of innovative digital tools. However, it is important that these changes are directed and driven by appropriate education policies to en­sure that the attendant practices remain authentic by demonstrating alignment between the pedagogies used in curriculum coverage and the digitised assessment tools and modalities. This was a literature-based study examining the purposes of e-assessment and reflecting on the authenticity of attendant policies and practices in South Africa, in rela­tion to the extant pedagogical practices and learners’ class­room experiences. From the literature, four most-cited pur­poses of e-assessment were identified and described, namely (a) efficiency and scalability, (b) enhanced feedback, (c) data-driven insights, and (d) accessibility and flexibility. The policy challenges faced by the country in relation to authentic e-assessment are presented and described. These include ques­tions of validity and reliability, equity and inclusion, pedagogical alignment, and academic integ­rity, while implementation challenges encompass technical, training and support, ethical and privacy concerns, technological infrastructure, cultural and linguistic relevance, and data man­agement and privacy considerations. It is argued that a better understanding of these challenges and opportunities brought about by these reflections would contribute significantly towards the development and implementation of well-rounded digital education policies in South Africa.


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