Chapter 11: Collaborative learning in classrooms




Collaborative learning, Ubuntu philosophy, social capital


Chapter 11, titled "Collaborative Learning in Classrooms," examines the Collaborative Learning approach, with a particular focus on the preparation of a productive collaborative learning environment, techniques that educators should employ for effective collaborative learning, and the associated advantages and disadvantages. The chapter further elaborates on the essential dos and don’ts of collaborative learning. By providing this information, it equips both student-teachers and in-service teachers with the requisite knowledge and skills to implement Collaborative Learning strategies in their classrooms. Two case studies are utilised to illuminate the relevance and significance of Collaborative Learning. The chapter underscores the importance of enthusiasm and engagement among learners in active learning environments. It also advocates for the relevance and applicability of Collaborative Learning as a pedagogical strategy, highlighting how this approach enhances collaboration, communality, and togetherness. Rooted in the foundational principles of Ubuntu, the chapter promotes interdependence among learners, fostering a learner-centredatmosphere within the classroom. Additionally, it delineates the role of the teacher as a facilitator of learners' educational experiences, granting learners the opportunity to take charge of their own learning.


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