Using Smartphones in Teaching English to Secondary School Students in South Africa
Information communication technologies, Cell phones, teaching, learning, English language.Abstract
This study aimed to explore teachers’ experiences of using smartphones in teaching and learning English in Capricorn South Circuit, Limpopo Province. We used a qualitative research approach and adopted a case study design to conduct the study. Purposive sampling strategy was used to select data from six teachers. Data were collected through three methods, namely; interviews, observation and a reflective journal. We adopted Strauss and Corbin’s Model to analyse data. Thus, the study generated three findings: (a) reluctance among some teachers to use smartphones in teaching and learning; (b) challenges experienced at schools such as contextual factors (e.g., poor network coverage) and disruptive learners; as well as (c) strategies used by teachers to plan and implement the use of smartphones in teaching and learning to determine its success. These findings have major implications for the use of smartphones in teaching English in schools. Therefore, the study recommends that there be training for teachers regarding the use of smartphones in teaching. Additionally, the study recommends that the school management should be supportive and actively involved in the implementation of using of smartphones for teaching and learning in schools. In conclusion, teachers should ensure that timeous and thorough planning is done to ensure success if the use of smartphones is to succeed. This study is significant because it emphasises the need for a shift in teaching from a teacher-centred approach to a learner-centred approach that incorporates the use of technology in classroom.
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