A Christian apologetic response to the claim of ‘prophet’ by Muhammad and Joseph Smith, jr. – A truly Biblical prophet
Moslems en Mormone beskou hulle stigters, Mohammed en Joseph Smith jr., as profete van God ooreenkomstig dit wat in die Bybel oor Bybelse profete gestel word. Ten einde ? basis te kan hê om hierdie aansprake apologeties te oorweeg, fokus hierdie artikel op die Bybelse definisie van ? profeet, sowel as eienskappe wat ? ware profeet onderskei van ? valse. Dit ondersoek wat dit beteken om ? Bybelse profeet te wees, veral aan die hand van drie persone in die Bybel waarna Moslems en Mormone dikwels verwys en met wie Mohammed en Joseph Smith jr. vergelyk word, naamlik Moses, Johannes die Doper en Jesus. Dit gee die basis vir toekomstige navorsing om die aansprake van Mohammed en Joseph Smith jr., asook wat hulle bereik het te weeg, om sodoende vas te stel of een of beide van hulle aan die kriteria van ? Bybelse profeet voldoen.
Muslims and Mormons around the world claim that their founders, Muhammad and Joseph Smith, jr. were prophets of God after the order of the biblical prophets and in accordance with the Bible. To deal apologetically with these claims to prophethood this article deals with the biblical definition of a prophet, as well as characteristics of a true prophet in distinction from a false prophet. It defines what it means to be a biblical prophet, with special attention paid to those whom the Muslims and Mormons believe that Muhammad and Joseph Smith, jr. were patterned, Moses, John the Baptist, and Jesus. This gives the basis for future research to deal with the claims and accomplishments of Muhammad and Joseph Smith, jr. individually, to determine whether or not they fit the criteria of a biblical prophet established in this article.
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