Using films to enhance theological studies


  • Pieter Verster University of the Free State, South Africa


Vollengte films, insluitende sekulêre films, is nuttige opvoedkundige hulpmiddels om onderrig in teologie en debat te bevorder. Die navorsingsmetodologie wat hier gevolg word, is om literatuur oor die opvoedkundige aspekte van films na te gaan, sowel as die invloed van films – veral sekulêre films – op studente deur van hulle te verwag om resensies te skryf waarin hulle verduidelik hoe bepaalde films betekenisvol vir die spesifieke dissipline kan wees. Die opvoedkundige betekenis van films is ook in klasbesprekings daaroor beoordeel. Films soos “Life is beautiful”, “The life of Pi”, “Dead Poets Society”, ”Avatar”, ens. is vertoon en bespreek. Die implikasies van hierdie films vir sending, die teologie en die kerk is bespreek. Die belangrikste gevolgtrekkings is dat films as opvoedkundige hulpmiddels deelname van studente en debat oor belangrike sake bevorder. Nuwe opvoedkundige metodes is beslis beskikbaar met hierdie aanbiedings en die implikasie is dat studente ? beter oorsig oor die bepaalde dissipline verkry.

Films, including secular films, are useful educational tools to enhance theological studies and encourage debate. The research methodology in this regard is to evaluate literature on the educational aspects of films in theological education, to evaluate the influence of films –especially secular films – on students by requiring them to write reviews to explain how a specific film can be of value in the discussion in the discipline, and to evaluate the educational aspect in class discussions of these films. Films such as “Life is beautiful,” “The life of Pi”, “Dead Poets Society”, ”Avatar”, etc. were screened and discussed. The implications of these films for theology and the church are discussed. The major result is that films as an educational tool enhance student participation and debate on intrinsic issues. New educational methods are clearly available with these presentations and the implications are that students receive a much better overview of the related discipline.



How to Cite

Verster, P. (2016). Using films to enhance theological studies. Tydskrif Vir Christelike Wetenskap | Journal for Christian Scholarship, 52(1), 141-159. Retrieved from



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