? Christosentriese benadering deur die kerk tot die krisis wat deur armoede en vigs meegebring word


  • Pieter Verster University of the Free State, South Africa


The crisis brought about by poverty and HIV/Aids calls for an urgent response by the church. Although the church tried to approach this chal lenge from different perspectives certain problems remain. A Christocentric approach is proposed as a way of dealing with poverty and Aids. This approach points to Christ, as the second Adam, who by His grace which is far more abundant than the sin of the first Adam brings about new hope. Departing from this Christocentric approach, the challenge of illness and poverty could be addressed from a holistic perspective, with positive results.



How to Cite

Verster, P. (2011). ? Christosentriese benadering deur die kerk tot die krisis wat deur armoede en vigs meegebring word. Tydskrif Vir Christelike Wetenskap | Journal for Christian Scholarship, 47(1), 117-131. Retrieved from https://pubs.ufs.ac.za/index.php/tcw/article/view/255



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