Can theology be anything but public1? Rethinking the role of theology at a public university


  • Laetus O. K. Lategan Central University of Technology, South Africa


Publich theology, Scholarship, Theological education


In hierdie artikel word geargumenteer dat teologie as ’n wetenskaplike dissipline belangrik vir ’n publieke universiteit is. Dié posisie word ingeneem ten spyte van kontemporêre uitdagings wat die plek van teologie aan ’n publieke universiteit bevraagteken. Die standpunt wat verdedig word, is nie óf teologie publieke waarde het nie maar hóé hierdie vakgebied voornemende dominees en diekerk kan help om relevant en rigtinggewend vir die samelewing te wees. Vir teologie om suskesvol te wees, moet dit verweef wees met wetenskaplike waardes ondersteun deur wetenskaplike gesprek. Die artikel wys uit hoe teologie relevant kan wees deur op tydrelevante onderwerpe te reflekteer. Voorbeelde waarna verwys word, is onder meer volhoubare ontwikkeling, proteskuns, die ekonomiese krisis en navorsing.

This study promotes the position that theology as scientific discipline has a role to play at a public university. The article identifies some contemporary issues that may oppose a role for theology at a public university. The author engages with these reasons and argues that the question is not whether theology has any public value but rather if theology can prepare and direct future pastors and the church to be contemporary, relevant and directive for society. For theology to succeed, it needs to be embedded in scientific values, sharpened by scientific discourse and reflected through scholarly activities. The article suggests how theology can meet these expectations through delivering on an agenda that is in line with contemporary society and its needs. Examples such as sustainable development, protest art, the down melting of the economy, research, etc. are used to illustrate what role theology should play in society.



How to Cite

Lategan, L. O. K. (2012). Can theology be anything but public1? Rethinking the role of theology at a public university. Tydskrif Vir Christelike Wetenskap | Journal for Christian Scholarship, 48(3-4), 357-375. Retrieved from



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