Analysis of push and pull factors influencing the migration of Ugandan domestic workers to Saudi Arabia
Migration, migrant domestic workers, push factors, pull factors, unemployment, youthsAbstract
The study explored the push and pull factors driving Ugandan domestic workers to migrate to Saudi Arabia. The research paradigm employed was social constructivism, where individuals seek to understand their world and develop meanings based on their experiences. A qualitative approach using a phenomenological research design was utilised. Data was collected from a sample of eighteen (18) respondents through unstructured interviews to identify the factors contributing to the migration of Ugandan domestic workers to Saudi Arabia. Thematic analysis was conducted during data analysis. The migration factors were presented in concept maps created using Nvivo 10.0. The study uncovered that push factors varied from person to person, but major ones included poverty, unemployment, school dropout, family obligations, marital neglect, domestic violence, personal development goals, poor working conditions, work-related challenges, peer influence, and single parenting. Pull factors include the influence of Arabian family culture that promotes the demand for maids, bilateral labour agreements, adventure, attractive job prospects, free travel documents, cost-effective job processes, and an easy migration process. The study concluded that without effectively addressing push factors to provide long-term solutions, the migration of Ugandan domestic workers to Saudi Arabia will persist. It is recommended that the Government of Uganda take steps to create a conducive environment with satisfying employment opportunities for these young individuals to reduce the number of people seeking jobs outside Uganda. This involves generating employment opportunities to regulate internal domestic work and make it highly profitable, thereby encouraging young people to remain in Uganda.
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