Gender emancipation and its impact on happiness: An examination of the happy wife, happy life formula
Gender emancipation, happiness, World Values Survey, longitudinal dataAbstract
The adage "happy wife, happy life" implies that women's gender emancipation could contribute to the overall societal quality of life. However, it raises at least two questions: Does advancing women's rights lead to increased happiness for women? Is it possible that advancing women’s rights occurs at the expense of men? The study examines the relationship between gender emancipation and happiness, aiming to determine whether gender emancipation genuinely enhances the happiness of both women and men, and whether the focus on women’s well-being might negatively impact men. Data from the World Values Survey were used to conduct cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses. The cross-sectional analysis focused on the relationship between emancipation and happiness, while the longitudinal analysis explored trends in gender emancipation and happiness from the 3rd cohort (1995-1998) to the 7th cohort (2017-2022). Women had higher gender emancipation scores, but the genders did not differ significantly in happiness scores. Surprisingly, there was no significant correlation between gender emancipation and happiness, whether analysing the entire sample or each gender separately. Longitudinal data revealed increasing gender emancipation and happiness over time. This similarity in trends was interpreted as a spurious relationship. It was hypothesised that happiness could stem from gender emancipation. However, despite longitudinal data revealing growing gender emancipation and happiness for both sexes, the cross-sectional analysis showed no such correlations. Gender emancipation and happiness, as measured by the World Values Survey, were not related. Emancipation does not necessarily equate to a happy life.
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