Adopting WhatsApp to support flipped learning in resource-constrained business studies classrooms in South Africa
Business studies, flipped learning, pedagogy, rural schools, WhatsAppAbstract
Nowadays, business studies teachers integrate WhatsApp into their lessons to enhance their instructional practice. This qualitative study investigates the role of WhatsApp in supporting flipped learning in business studies classrooms. The interpretive paradigm was adopted, and an exploratory case study was employed as the research design. Social constructivism theory was used as the lens through which to view the study, while purposive sampling was utilised to select six business studies teachers from six secondary schools in KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data collected through semi-structured interviews. The findings revealed that WhatsApp played a significant role in supporting flipped learning in business studies. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that WhatsApp is integral to supporting flipped learning in resource-constrained schools. Thus, it is recommended that South African schools allow and formalise the use of WhatsApp as a learning tool to transform pedagogies.
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