What brings you to our humble abode? Tourist motivation for visiting rural destinations: The case of Nqileni village, South Africa
Rural tourism, motivation, preferred activities, tourist satisfactionAbstract
Rural areas, especially in developing countries, have considered using rural tourism to advance economic and social development. Many authors have conducted academic research focusing on tourism to develop rural areas. However, more clarity is needed on what constitutes rural tourism. While several studies have investigated the reasons for rural tourism development, more is needed to understand what attracts visitors to rural areas. This research paper aims to enhance understanding of rural tourism by examining rural tourists' motivations for places such as Nqileni village, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. The authors identified the motivational factors that push tourists to rural areas and the activities that tourists prefer at the destination. Finally, the research determined the tourists' overall satisfaction during their stay at the destination. Numerous research studies have been conducted to investigate the factors influencing the growth of rural tourism, but more is needed to determine what attracts tourists to rural destinations. The study adopted a quantitative research approach, using questionnaires to collect data. The results conclusively show that tourists were motivated to visit the area for relaxation, visit family and relatives, and enjoy a feeling of freedom in the countryside.
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