Exploring the gender-based impact of mathematical games on the academic performance of senior secondary school students
Academic performance , secondary school students, mathematical games, gender-based impactAbstract
Playing mathematical games helps many senior secondary school students, especially girls, acquire basic mathematical skills. However, it can be difficult. Thus, this study examined how gender-related mathematical gameplay affects the performance of secondary school students. The study design was quasi-experimental. A sample of fifty senior secondary school students from the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) of Nigeria's Abuja Council Area was purposively chosen. The researcher randomly allocated intact classes to the experimental and control groups using a coin toss. The students' achievement level was determined by an algebraic achievement test administered before and after the treatment. T-tests, means, and standard deviation were used to analyse the data. The study revealed that female students had a higher mean score than male students when playing mathematics games. The findings imply that mathematical games enhance mathematics teaching and learning and should be encouraged and used by teachers to introduce concepts in mathematics to students, regardless of their gender, at different levels.
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