Communication strategies for healthcare providers to enhance vaccine discussions with vaccine-hesitant patients
vaccine, hesitancy, healthcare providers, communication, trust, Bourdieu, reflexivityAbstract
This study examines vaccine hesitancy as an emerging public health concern that undermines the efficacy of vaccination initiatives. Healthcare providers play a crucial role in addressing vaccine hesitancy; however, many lack effective communication strategies. This study developed evidence-based communication guidelines to assist healthcare providers in discussing vaccines with hesitant patients. Drawing on Bourdieu's theoretical framework, semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten vaccine-hesitant parents and ten paediatricians in Nigeria. Through reflexive thematic analysis of the interview transcripts, this study uncovers power dynamics, legitimacy struggles, and cultural capital's significance in vaccine conversations. The findings reveal that hesitant parents question the legitimacy of vaccine recommendations, feeling marginalised yet constrained by societal norms of responsible parenthood. Similarly, healthcare providers' reliance on biomedical expertise often proves insufficient without rapport building, cultural competency, and addressing patients' unique knowledge assets. The findings of this study contribute to communication theory, medical education, and clinical practice by advocating for power-conscious, dialogue-based strategies to promote vaccination amidst uncertainty and scepticism.
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