Stakeholders' Perceptions of their Roles in Enhancing Discipline in Rural Community Schools
Discipline, stakeholders, perceptions, rural community, SchoolsAbstract
This paper summarises the perceptions of stakeholders' roles in enhancing discipline in rural community schools. A mixed research design (qualitative and quantitative) was used in the study. The population was stratified into three- State, Local Government Areas and Rural Communities within the Local Government Areas. A multi-stage stratified random sample of 432 stakeholders was drawn from the six rural communities of Arochukwu and Ohafia Local Governments in Abia State, Nigeria. Semi-structured questionnaires were administered to the stakeholders while structured questions were used for the Focus Group Discussions. The results showed that the stakeholders are in agreement that disciplinary measures are devised to promote and maintain a well-disciplined school environment, quality and equity education (mean = 3.95±0.05); but disagree that the School Board and Parent Teachers' Associations take initiatives in the formulation of school regulations (2.64± 0.06). While management and implementation of discipline jointly significantly (p < 0.05) predicts access to quality and equity Basic Education, the teacher discipline and environment factors are negatively correlated with access to quality and equity in Basic Education. The study recommends partnership between the parents, teachers, school, and the community in addressing issues of the learners' indiscipline in schools. An introduction of modified corporal punishment appropriate to the learners' age and disposition can be implemented to salvage the learners and improve their academic performances.
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