In-service teacher training programmes that promote education for sustainable development: A review of emerging literature




In-service training, sustainable development, teacher professional development


Teacher continuous professional development programs have been identified as important tools for integrating education for sustainable development (ESD) into teacher education in South Africa. Research studies have indicated that in-service training for secondary school teachers has been under-resourced and poorly implemented in terms of integrating ESD into teaching and learning in secondary schools. The literature also supports the claim that, in light of climate change and global warming, in-service programs for secondary school teachers do not adequately promote the integration of ESD in South African classrooms. Due to the absence of a suitable professional development program to support the implementation of ESD in secondary schools, efforts to resolve these deficiencies have not had the expected impact. This study examines the challenges in South Africa's in-service teacher development program for integrating ESD. The in-service training program for sustainable development was researched using the systematic literature review methodology. The study argues that inadequate in-service training programs for secondary school teachers have hindered the implementation of ESD in South Africa. The literature also revealed the absence of a unified framework that can be used in South Africa to integrate ESD. As a result, it is recommended that combinations of frameworks or models be adopted when designing a unified in-service training program for teachers to promote ESD in South African classrooms.


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How to Cite

Olawumi, K. B., & Mavuso, M. P. (2024). In-service teacher training programmes that promote education for sustainable development: A review of emerging literature. Interdisciplinary Journal of Education Research, 6, 1-20.