Digital technology adoption and school leadership in the post-pandemic era: Insights from high school leaders
Digital technology adoption, school leadership, technology acceptance model, post-pandemic eraAbstract
Integrating digital technologies into the educational landscape seems to be a defining factor for learning and leading in the pandemic and post-pandemic era. Hence, this study examines the impact of digital technology adoption on school leadership and management in the post-pandemic era, focusing on high school leaders' experiences in Oyo State, Nigeria. The theoretical framework is anchored on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), which elucidates factors influencing technology adoption through perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and attitude toward usage. The study used a descriptive research design and sampled 227 high school leaders across three senatorial districts, collecting data via a validated questionnaire. The reliability index of the instruments is as follows: school leaders' digital technology adoption (? =0.85), digital media tools' usage (? =0.95), and professional development opportunities (? =0.84). Results indicate a positive influence of digital technology on school leadership and management, enhancing communication, virtual administration, performance monitoring, and breaking spatial-temporal barriers. WhatsApp, Email, Google Forms, and Zoom were identified as the most frequently used digital media tools, while professional development in digital technologies was provided to a moderate extent for 58.2% of high leaders. The findings demonstrate the need for more extensive professional development programs by indicating a considerable investment in school leaders' digital competency development, but not all-encompassing. Recommendations include enhancing the quality and frequency of training, promoting diverse digital tools, tailoring professional development to specific needs, and implementing regular assessment and feedback systems to improve digital technology integration in schools.
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