Web metrics and key performance indices of the Villagemath instructional content repository
STEM education, VillageMath , web metrics, key performance indices, ethnomathematicsAbstract
This study presents the outcomes of common web metrics and key performance indices of VillageMath, an online culture-based Instructional Content Repository for STEM learners and teachers. The study adopts a developmental research design. The developed intervention is accessible at (https://villagemath.net). Data collection on common web metrics and key performance indices (KPIs) was handled using standard web performance assessment tools such as WP Statistics, Pingdom Tools, Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, and WebPage Test. The metric platforms were chosen based on their industry standing, ease of use, and the wide range of KPIs that they measure. The metrics provide a median run performance result accounting for Time to First Byte (when did the content start downloading?), Start Render (when did pixels start to appear?), Speed Index (how soon did the page look usable?), Cumulative Layout Shift (how much did the design shift while loading?), Page Weight (how many bytes downloaded?), speed (from 7 different locations on five continents strategically placed around the globe), total page size, and suggestions for improvement. The data collected was analysed using descriptive statistics such as tables, charts, and averages. The analysis of results obtained from the web performance assessment tools indicated that the web-based VillageMath Repository appeals to a wide range of highly engaged users. Key performance indicators such as speed index, page size, and last painted hero for the VillageMath Instructional Content Repository were above industry averages and affirmed that the platform is robust, elegantly designed, and fast.
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