Mapping the terrain: A comprehensive review and bibliometric analysis of data literacy in mathematics education (2009-2024)




Data literacy, bibliometric analysis, mathematics education, data literacy, comprehensive review


Despite receiving increased attention from researchers in mathematics education, there is still no comprehensive understanding of the current level of data literacy in the teaching and learning of mathematics. To address this gap, this study pre­sents a review of 247 papers selected from the Sco­pus database between 2009 and 2024. The research aims to explore the following: (i) The overall vol­ume, geographic distribution, and development tra­jectory in the literature on data literacy in mathe­matics. (ii) The researchers and research collabora­tions that have had the greatest influence on the literature on data literacy in mathematics. (iii) The sources that have had the greatest influence on the literature on data literacy in mathematics. (iv) The most important topics in the literature on data literacy in mathematics. It was discovered that the number of publications involving data literacy in mathematics increased from 2016 to 2023. Authors from the Netherlands are the most active in the literature on data literacy in mathematics. The Teacher College Record had the highest number of citations. Lastly, the most important topics addressed in the literature on data literacy in mathematics were data use, data literacy, and data-based decision-making. This study has implications not only for mathematics education researchers but also for other stakeholders in the education sector, including school principals, policymakers, and mathematics teachers.


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How to Cite

Bhekiswayo, N. M., & Mosia, M. (2024). Mapping the terrain: A comprehensive review and bibliometric analysis of data literacy in mathematics education (2009-2024). Interdisciplinary Journal of Education Research, 6, 1-14.