English as a language of preference in mathematics learning: perspectives from high school learners in township contexts
High school learners , language preference, mathematics learning , multilingualism, township contextsAbstract
The exploration of language preference among mathematics learners in multilingual contexts remains a significant area of study. The aim of this study is to identify the most effective linguistic tools that contribute to the academic achievement of secondary school learners in mathematics. This study specifically examines English as a preferred language for mathematics instruction among high school learners in a Soshanguve community in the Tshwane West District of South Africa. It investigates the attitudes of mathematics learners towards the use of English as the medium of instruction and the reasons for their preference for learning mathematics in English. The study uses a non-experimental quantitative descriptive survey with a sample of 101 high school mathematics learners. Data was collected using a self-administered survey questionnaire conducted on paper. The primary data was analysed using descriptive statistics. The results indicate that English is the preferred language for learning mathematics. The study also demonstrates that the inclination towards the English language among high school learners is driven by factors such as pedagogical, social, linguistic competence, and economic considerations. The research findings suggest that the use of English as the medium of instruction is crucial for the acquisition and achievement of mathematics skills. This is because learners' indigenous African languages are inadequate as a medium of instruction in mathematics classroom conversations among high school learners. Therefore, it is recommended that the Department of Basic Education and mathematics educators should enhance learners' English language competence by implementing intense and enriched language programmes.
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