Using ADDIE model for scaffolded learning and teaching intervention
ADDIE , SoTL, learning and teaching, scaffolding, collaborative interventionAbstract
Learning and Teaching (L&T) research is sometimes challenging for lecturers who are not specialists in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) or instructional design. Good empirical L&T research should be reflective, based on a sound theoretical foundation, and completed like other research, using appropriate steps in data collection. Many L&T researchers often skip to the intervention or implementation without embedding evidence and proper research steps in the project from the beginning. This study aimed to explore the integration of the ADDIE model with L&T interventions incorporating pedagogical theory. It also aimed to examine how the findings from implementing this model in SoTL projects can inform best practices for instructional design and contribute to the broader scholarship on teaching and learning. The study adopted a mixed-method approach with a pre-post-test design. A collaborative interventive research project was purposively selected, focusing on First Year, Senior, and Further Education and Training (SEN&FET) Bachelor of Education students who are trained to teach grades 8-12. The results confirmed the efficacy of the ADDIE model steps as a useful instructional design framework for integrating L&T theories. The study also found that a scaffolded L&T collaborative intervention with sound research methodologies and approaches is beneficial for SoTL projects. Therefore, the study recommends implementing the ADDIE model in different interventive approaches and collaborative educational settings to enhance students' achievement as well as teaching and learning.
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