The role of formative feedback in teaching and learning: Grade 10 Physical Sciences teachers’ perspectives
Assessment, formative feedback, physical sciences, teaching and learning, academic achievementAbstract
This study examined the role of formative feedback in the teaching and learning of Physical Sciences. Several scholars have recognised the pedagogical value of formative feedback in science education. However, there is a need for significant improvement in the quality of formative feedback provided by teachers in science classrooms. The empirical investigation explored the nature of formative feedback, pedagogical challenges, and pedagogical practices employed by teachers when implementing formative assessment in Physical Sciences classrooms. The study is underpinned by the Assessment for Formative Purposes Cycle as the underlying theoretical framework. We utilised the interpretive paradigm and a qualitative approach, specifically employing phenomenology as a means of inquiry. The empirical investigation involved 12 Grade 10 Physical Sciences teachers selected purposively from Inkosi Sambane Circuit Schools, under UMkhanyakude District, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and classroom observations, and thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. The findings revealed that meaningful formative feedback could have been enhanced by addressing contextual factors such as overcrowding and lack of resources in Physical Sciences classrooms. While teachers valued the quality of formative feedback, they expressed concern about learners' inability to utilise formative feedback to improve their learning. This paper recommends providing teachers with the necessary training to effectively utilise formative feedback and enhance learners' academic achievement in Physical Sciences.
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