Politeness in Tiba Meka ritual in Manggaraian language and culture, Eastern Indonesia
Politeness, Tiba Meka ritual, Manggaraian language, Manggaraian culture, speech community.Abstract
Politeness is crucial to communicating among individuals or between groups in a speech community. This research mainly explores the politeness of welcoming guests in the Manggaraian speech community. Video recording and interviews were the techniques used to collect the data. Eight videos were recorded and transcribed in text. The data were interpreted in socio-pragmatics theory. The findings reveal that the Manggaraian speech community tend to apply positive and off-the-record politeness strategies. A positive politeness strategy was mainly employed to build a close relationship and friendliness and to show respect to a guest. The use of a positive politeness strategy was marked in honorifics such as ite, mori, ema, and downtoner yo. An off-the-record politeness strategy was utilised to designate generosity, modesty, and approbation to a guest. This politeness strategy was indicated in metaphorical expressions. The social factors that determine the use of those politeness strategies are related to the context of the event, age, relation, and guest status. In this study, the Manggaraian speech community employ politeness in the ritual of welcoming a guest to achieve three benefits: manifesting respect, maintaining a good relationship, and showing a positive attitude toward the guest.
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