Being sacrificed in the name of development: A case of social distress caused by the Tokwe-Mukosi dam
Development, displacements, livelihoods, Tokwe-Mukosi, ZimbabweAbstract
The study investigated the impact of displacements on the rights of the people that were caused by a development project in Zimbabwe. A case study of people displaced by the construction of the Tokwe-Mukosi Dam was used to explore the challenges faced by displaced people. This study was a mixed-method design. Data was collected using questionnaires and a document. A purposive sample of 100 participants was used by the researchers. The sample comprises people displaced by the construction of the Tokwe-Mukosi dam. The researchers utilised thematic analysis and descriptive statistics to make sense of the data. It was noted from the findings that the livelihoods of the displaced people by the Tokwe-Mukosi changed due to the displacement. Market gardening, a major livelihood among the participants before displacement, was the most affected due to the lack of reliable water sources at the relocation site. Human rights violations were also noted in the study due to the failure of the government to prepare the relocation site adequately. Due to the noted human rights violation, the displaced people were subjected to social distress. Therefore, the study concludes that several communities were negatively impacted by the construction of the Tokwe-Mukosi Dam, with a recommendation that suitable relocation sites with adequate social service should be identified before the finalisation of the construction of dams.
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