Conceptualising Anglican theology’s role in fostering a convivial society in the context of education 5.0: a case study of the Matabeleland diocese




Gukurahundi, justice, Anglican Diocese of Matabeleland, healing and reconciliation, education 5.0.


This paper explores the Anglican Diocese of Matabeleland’s pursuit of healing and reconciliation within the context of Education 5.0. This inquiry arises from the troubling reality that, despite the passage of over three decades, many individuals continue to bear the scars of Gukurahundi, which jeopardises the harmonious development envisioned in Education 5.0. The study employs the lens of post-foundationalism to examine the role of the Anglican Diocese of Matabeleland in fostering a convivial society. This is a transformative paradigm paper that uses qualitative research as its design. Data were collected through interviews and focus group discussions with 20 participants, who responded to two pivotal questions: What challenges do unhealed survivors face, and how can Anglican theology complement the efforts of Education 5.0 in promoting a convivial society? Data were analysed using a thematic approach. The findings reveal that the people of Matabeleland grapple with multiple challenges rooted in unresolved issues stemming from Gukurahundi, thereby endangering the developmental aspirations intrinsic to Education 5.0. I conclude the paper by arguing for a negotiated theology that seeks to address the aspirations of the populace, not merely on a spiritual level, but across all dimensions of life. Consequently, Education 5.0 emerges as a foundational platform for fostering a negotiated theology aimed at healing and reconciliation in Zimbabwe.


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How to Cite

Ncube, A. M. (2025). Conceptualising Anglican theology’s role in fostering a convivial society in the context of education 5.0: a case study of the Matabeleland diocese. Interdisciplinary Journal of Sociality Studies, 5(1), a03.