Human resource development practices and job performance of academic staff of Bishop Stuart University
Enrichment, human resource development, job performance, policies, trainingAbstract
This study examined human resource development practices and their impact on academic staff performance. Specifically, it investigated whether training, promotion, job enrichment and organisational policies significantly influence the job performance of academic staff. The study surveyed 158 academic staff members at Bishop Stuart University in Uganda using a quantitative approach and a correlational research design. Data were collected through self-administered questionnaires and analysed using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The findings revealed that job enrichment and organisational policies had a positive and significant impact on academic staff performance. In contrast, training had a negative but significant influence on academic staff performance, and promotion had a positive but insignificant influence on the job performance of academic staff. The study concluded that effective human resource practices, specifically job enrichment and organisational policies, play a crucial role in enhancing academic staff performance. However, limited training opportunities hindered the performance of academic staff. Furthermore, unsatisfactory promotion practices minimally contribute to the job performance of academic staff. The study recommended that university managers implement human resource development practices, namely job enrichment, organisational policies, training, and promotion, to promote job performance.
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