Determinants of poor planning in public sector construction projects in Nigeria
Construction project, performance, poor planning, public sector, qualityAbstract
The study assessed the determinants of poor planning in public-sector construction projects in Nigeria. The paper adopted a questionnaire survey. A structured questionnaire was administered to 217 construction professionals, out of which 156, representing 71.9%, correctly filled questionnaires were analysed. The study deployed descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation for data analysis. Results indicated that the primary determinants of poor project planning are the need for qualified personnel, with a mean of 4.70; experience, with a mean of 4.63; and poor communication among the project teams, with a mean of 4.63. The significant factors influencing the implementation of project planning in public sector construction projects include natural occurrences, the use of computers and ICT, differing approaches of those who produce the plans and those who deliver the project, the leadership of the project team, application of planning techniques, only trained project managers should plan the project, non-availability of labour, lack of experience. The critical barriers to project planning implementation in public construction projects include lack of communication, performance problems, political influence, dissatisfied project teams, abandonment of the project, time overrun, absence of new technology and software for planning, compromised project quality, and wrong estimation. The research suggests that contractors involved in public sector construction projects in Nigeria should enhance their planning and performance through various measures. These measures include conducting financial and ethical client checks, employing dedicated project managers, utilising computerised planning systems, and improving team communication through reliable channels.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Maryam Zailani Hamidu, Shamsudeen Abdulazeez Agboola, Mustapha Yusuf Faruq , Adetola Aderinsoro Falade

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