Advancing interdisciplinary management science: A pathway to sustainable development goals
Interdisciplinary research, management science, sustainable development, innovation, organisational efficiencyAbstract
The Interdisciplinary Journal of Management Sciences (IJMS) plays a crucial role in advancing the understanding and application of management science in various fields. This editorial paper explores the intersection between interdisciplinary research and management science, emphasising the Journal's contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). IJMS encourages innovative research that addresses complex managerial issues, discourses, and challenges by incorporating principles from economics, engineering, social sciences, and technology. This paper highlights key areas of focus, such as decision-making, supply chain management, innovation, human resources, financial management, marketing, sustainability, educational management, conflict management, and governance. The relevance of each area to specific SDGs is discussed, showcasing how interdisciplinary approaches can provide comprehensive understanding and solutions to global issues. Despite the cognitive obstacles posed by disciplinary boundaries, methodological disparities, and pedagogical peculiarities inherent in interdisciplinary research, there are ample opportunities to leverage technological advancements and foster collaborative research for effective knowledge advancement. The IJMS's commitment to bridging theory and practice not only advances knowledge in management science but also makes a significant contribution to achieving the SDGs. This editorial calls for increased support from scholars, practitioners, and policymakers to further recognise interdisciplinary research in line with the Journal's vision for a future where management science drives sustainable development.
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