Influence of Socio-Demographic Factors on the Beliefs and Attitudes of Male Students towards Help-Seeking in Universities
Help-seeking, Male Students, Counselling, Higher Institution, WellbeingAbstract
Young male adults in the tertiary institution are often reticent to seek help for their psychological concerns. It is necessary to investigate beliefs and attitudes underlying male students' decision to seek or not to seek help, to increase understanding about why this occurrence is so. This study aimed to examine the influence of socio-demographic variables on the beliefs and attitudes of male students towards help-seeking within a University in Nigeria. A standardized questionnaire examining beliefs, attitudes as well as factors that influence help-seeking behaviours of male students in Nigeria was used to elicit responses from 323 male students from all faculties and across all levels. Analysis of data revealed that religion, family type and previous counselling experience demographic variables had a significant influence on the beliefs and attitudes of male students towards help-seeking. Practitioners and policymakers attempting to improve male students' help-seeking behaviour need to pay more attention to underlying factors that influence help-seeking. This understanding will assist them in designing tailor-made intervention programmes to enhance help-seeking.
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